Monday 17 November 2008

peace one day

today i was at an event called chain reaction.

it's an event based on the premise that we can't create change by ourselves, but we can do it together. it's designed to connect, collaborate and commit.

i sat there listening to jeremy gilley, founder of peace one day stating that ideas need energy and passion. from what started with anger and frustration with the way things are led to a reaction. this, then, triggered a series of events and connections that went on to create a day that is declared an annual day of peace by the un and the governments of the world.

i thought, it seems great, but is it a gimmick. the cynic in me spoke.

... but he went on... to say that he heard those questions and went on to find out what this day of peace actually means... is it a gimmick... well this one day has enabled charities and un agencies to scale up and gain access to troubled areas for vaccination programmes. it allows the opportunity to reach places that are political hotspots and have carried threats of bombs, attacks and gunfire to cease. it is more eloquently put here.

very soon i begin to realise that a day can be a long time and much can be achieved.

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