Monday 3 November 2008

Lebanon #7: Conservation Work

I once heard Sir Ghillean Prance, visionary for Kew Gardens and the Eden Project, speak. I remember how I was moved by his words. Somehow I mentioned it to a friend and I somehow got enrolled into an Eco scheme.

It was eye opening.

Now here I am in Lebanon, listening to a man called Chris Naylor speak about the hopes to get Lebanon thinking about conservation and bringing the people in touch with their environment. It is somewhat odd in a country where there seems to be little hope that people would take pride in their land.

After hearing him speak it was like going back and showing the people that they have a rich legacy. One too be proud off, not just because of its political value, but of the natural or environmental value. That it allows a place of resting for migrating birds, that many can walk around and see the hills around a place that can be restored. I was impressed.

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