Monday 22 October 2018

The Lahore Journal #5: Learning to trust: one to one

I'm here in Pakistan with an Australian who lives in England. A Dutch lady who lives in Dubai and represents a Pakistani company. And I'm an Indian who was born in England with parents from Uganda.

Our mission here is to produce 650 doves made from scraps. scraps of blankets, tents, and other items that when delayed are used to save lives. The company I'm with is called NRS International. They are a leading producer of humanitarian aid items. Aid items that used in disasters, the refugee crisis and parts of deprivation. They manufacture over 3.5 million items every year for the likes of UN agencies, NGOs and more.

Today our goal is to train up five ladies with a specific skill. Sewing together a peace dove. Made up from blankets and tarpaulins.

My colleague and friend Sandy is the innovator and trainer- she designed the dove. The partner group NRS, spearheaded by Wieke who is the driver- she commissioned and resourced the whole enterprise. Me, I'm the story teller.

I already feel like the non essential party right now. My job to ensure that the fruit of today's workshop will live on to the people who will hold this dove and pass on from one to another etched as a bit part to a much broader story: bringing about world peace one person at a time.

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