Saturday 29 March 2014

It is done

The first performance is done. My voice is shot. I'm tired. So achey... So tired.

Did it go well? How did we do? 

My answer is the same after most performances: "I don't know".

On the one hand I'm glad it's over. Yet on the other I'm curious. Did it work. Did the power of the story penetrate people. 

I hear what people are saying to me. I hear their words. Some encouraging. Some suggesting improvements. However each never really penetrating. I still do not understand what they are saying. I wish it would. The only thing that remains is the same question: How did we do... How did I do ... Did it work?

I'm sure I'll take that pondering on with me... Yet why is it I still wish to hear what others thought.

Man, I'm tired.

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