Monday 21 January 2013

Davos 2013: Haiti

3 years ago I recall being in Davos fielding a great level of enquires around partnering in Haiti just after the earthquake

Today I was interviewed on them.

My interviewer asked me a question, if you we're able to go back what would you have done differently.

I had no answer. He asked me this months ago. Even now when re-asked I still don't know.

What happened was not perfect not was it text book. However, it was real. It was what I was able to do under the pressures that I had. I certainly wished there was more I could do rather than less. But really the answer was kind of nothing. I certainly would not have learned what I did had it not been for the mistakes. I would maybe not have gone out there, supported an athlete to come over and compete in the Paralympic Games. Not worked with a family who lost their son during the earthquake. I guess without all that shaping experience I would not be where I am today.

Whilst not perfect... I am grateful for the learning process.

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