Friday 3 August 2012


Lost my phone.

It's a smart phone. I use it for email, Internet, checking facts, games, blogging, taking photos, keeping notes, listening to music, finding my way around. And for phone calls.

It's become part of my close accessories. A convenience that I rely upon. I need three things as I leave the house: keys, wallet and phone.

The other thing it has done is invade my life. Whilst I love it. I've now lost some basic habits. Relaxing, doing nothing, sitting still, enjoying DVDs. Things that involve me switching off are now shortened by filling that time with an "activity".

I am now without this as I'm on holiday. Still an inconvenience but happy to drop out of these for a short moment.

Also does an iPad count as I'm still able to blog.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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