Tuesday 14 October 2008

#12: Global Crisis

It’s pretty hard to escape the “global financial crisis” that is going on. Every day I’m reading about the whether the markets are recovering about rescue packages and speculation over the future.

I don’t really understand the finer details, but recognise that the world is on tenterhooks.

There is a part of me that hopes the world will change and not simply aim to restore itself to the world we are used to. That each country can reclaim, relearn and redeem its ability and desire to sustain itself whilst recognising that the world is interconnected and that its sustainability is entwined with this process.

I guess it’s having a dual citizenship: one to the planet and one to your host country.

I don’t know how sound this is economically, financially or even conceivably, but it seems to make sense in my little brain to do so.

I continually hear about sustainability and one planet mentality being espoused. But it seems to be more aspirational rather than achievable.

I just see a window for the world for change in my lifetime.

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