Tuesday 1 April 2014


The Director of the production emailed yesterday to say:  "Don't be surprised if you feel a bit low this week. You are tired - spiritually, emotionally and physically"

He's not wrong.

My cast buddies have shared the following:

"It was such an amazing experience working with you all over the last few days and I can't believe how emotional I found it all!!"

"Incredible!!! Such a wonderful experience. I've loved and loathed every second in a weird way as its been so emotional, uncomfortable (and not just on the knees!!) But equally unbelievably uplifting!!!"

"Hey, what an incredible thing to be a part of and it was such a great experience that I love sharing with you all. I think it's something none of us will ever forget."

"I’m feeling quite shaken-up this morning, and didn’t sleep much.  Thank you all so much – what a privilege to be part of it, and to think that the same drama was happening elsewhere..."

"Ok we played the ugly parts and we messed up with the words but somebody had to keep you all on your toes. What a memory ...."

"Does anybody else feel they’d really like to do it again....?!"

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