Sunday 22 September 2024

Joshie's Baptism

Joshie got baptised this weekend!

It was such a special morning.

Here's the livestream (33.03 - Joshie’s testimony & 43.36 - his baptism)

I have never bought a car part 3

I once wrote that we have never brought a car and then we got a bigger one which incredibly was also gifted to us. To date this is still true. 

More recently, when we moved we realised that living out of town meant that we are jumping into cars a lot more. A lot more!

We've been convicted that we should try to find another car, but prohibited down to costs. With Caleb now 18 we also felt that we should be getting him driving ... my mum insistent to gift him the driving lessons having put all me and brothers through it wanting to pass it on. Joshie is only weeks away before being eligible himself to start learning.

When asked recently by the board of EA what our current needs are, I said a smaller more economical run around car would be incredible.

It turned out there was one that was looking for a 'good home'. But what was more special was it was from the lady who first housed a family fleeing Uganda in 1972 settle in Sevenoaks. That family was my Mummy & Papa and eldest brother (just 6 months old). They stayed with this family for a while as a home was being prepared for them. During this time, they learnt about markets, where to shop how to work out the locals and have a friendly ear. Their daughter even wrote a Welcome poem for us.  A poem that I have shared many times during Empathy Action's Desperate Journeys debrief (and my papa once shared to the church that they all belonged to).

It all of a sudden feels like 'more than just a car', but a special gift (again) and one which means more to us than just a set of wheels. 

Tuesday 23 January 2024

End of an era: thank you Newlands Road

It’s a rainy day. Storm Jocelyn battering the country (Scotland always seems to take the brunt of it) and tonight we listen to the whistles coming through the chimney around the log burner. Caleb games in his room. Joshie and mummy watching an episode together and Reuben doing likewise. Ezzy and I in the living room hanging out. Today, I’m counting as my last night in Newlands Road proper. I still technically have one more night. Though tomorrow will be after the packers have been in and taken out everything save for our beds and overnight bags.

Tomorrow it will be just a shell. But today, it has life and fun. 

We’ve been hear since May 2014. Nearly 10 years. But nearly 21 years in Tunbridge Wells. In two days, onThursday we move out into a new county, just 15 minutes away in Crowborough. 

It’s a miracle that got us in here and a miracle that’s got us out. And our time here has been miraculous. 

Thank you Newlands Road for
- introducing us to Ezra
- seeing our children go through primary school and into secondary 
- welcome Ezzy to St Luke’s nursery and then St John’s school
- for allowing the formation of Empathy Action
- for allowing us to host friends, family and be a have for all who walked through the doors
- for gifting us a wonderful base to be hospitable and show love
We’re grateful for you and for the ones who allowed us to grace this space… but mostly we’re grateful to the Almighty who allows us to be led, by faith, into such incredible spaces and places such as this one.

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Customer Service Stories

I attempted to book a Premier Inn for a team running an immersive workshop.I thought, 'Let's try their website.' It was very helpful, but less so when making a group booking. Their advice: 'Call us to make the booking.'

So, I did. I called the hotel I wanted directly and spoke to a nicely spoken gentleman. However, as soon as I mentioned a group booking, he advised me to call their specialist line and explained he couldn't assist me. He also kindly provided me with their general booking line as a backup.

I called their specialist line, but I was greeted by an automated message that said, 'All our lines are closed. Please try again later during opening hours.' Surprisingly, it was only 12:30 in the afternoon.

I then tried their general booking lines (not specialised for group bookings, as the hotel staff member had informed me). The automated response suggested going online for a 'quicker experience' and 'best prices.' Eventually, someone answered, and I mentioned I wanted to make a group booking. He said, 'Okay,' and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I was only *just* able to make it through him because he also mentioned that he couldn't process bookings for more than 9 rooms and that those would need to be sent in by email. Luckily, I was only booking 7 rooms.

Three phone calls, nearly an email, and being told I was calling out of hours, with helpful advertising suggesting that the best way to deal with them is online.

The reality: online directed me to phone the hotel, the hotel directed me to the designated line, the designated line told me to call within their operating hours, and the non-designated line was eventually able to handle my booking but nearly had me email as I didn't fit their way of working.

This reminds me of what Matthew Taylor (ex RSA CEO) said in this tweet last Friday which read:

A little story for a wet Friday night. Near my house I found a wallet in the road. When opening it I found a bank card, some cash, a library and a youth club card. And also a front door key. The person who dropped it is 14 and could be locked out so I set out to find him….1/6

I started with massively profitable MNC @Barclays

Bank. As I’m not a customer I couldn’t use their chat bot function so I rang customer service. The recorded message said I would have to wait between 10-20 minutes. After 36 minutes the phone was answered…. 2/6

I explained the situation and gave the information on the cards. I asked the customer service person to contact the person (they have his phone number) and tell him we have the wallet and are happy to return it. We were told this ‘against protocol’…. 3/6

In vain I pointed out that I didn’t want any information or to contact the wallet owner just to reassure them and give them my details. After 15 minutes of failed persuasion and being told it would do no good speaking to someone senior I gave up. Then, plan b 4/6

I contacted the cash-strapped York library service. The lady answered the phone in less than a minute. By the time I had explained and given the boy’s library number she had already identified the boy’s mother’s email and offered to immediately contact her. A minute later…5/6

…the boy’s mum grateful phoned me and told me where to take the wallet. ‘My son is autistic so he would have been very anxious so this is such a relief’ she explained So, the result: ‘profit maximising multinational financial institution 0, cash starved municipal service 1.

Friday 22 September 2023

Introducing a headline act...

This has got to be one of my most incredible experiences. To not only introduce an incredible and brave  headline act (Balaklava Blues.. who I first met when watching their show Counting Sheep) that is at the cultural edge in the war in Ukraine at a festival but do so with two incredible Ukrainians who took a moment to bow whilst asking for help find 50 homes for sanctuary seekers.

Here's the capture from Reuben. 

Slava Ukraini!

Friday 21 July 2023

Last day

This could be our last day with the primary school that all our children have attended. 12 years. 4 children. And now as we face a move away from Tunbridge Wells, this could be our last day here.

It's also the last day for the current Headmaster, Dan Turvey (or Mr T for us). He sums it up when he says: 

"I would like to leave you with a final thought. As a teacher and parent of four children, I can speak with an element of hindsight! Our children are precious and it is us the adults who have been given the absolute privilege to raise them and teach them. So be kind, be patient and encourage them whenever you can, even when you feel tired and exhausted yourself. Talk to them as much as you can, read with them, sing, dance, play and enjoy being together. In these busy times, full of work, after school clubs, shopping, devices and TV, the best thing that we can do for our children is to spend time with them. You will never get it back!" 

Sunday 23 April 2023

20 year getaway... hobbity treehouse

We had the delight of celebrating 20 years in this wonderful spot for a few days with the help of a few people.

It was great fun and couldn't have come at a better time with a lot of things going on around us. Very thankful to have been able to retreat and give thanks for 20 years of together-ness and a brief pause before all that is about to happen next!

The salamander stove was great fun!

Wednesday 19 April 2023


Today we celebrate 20 blessed years of marriage.

Remember it vividly and what a day!

Thursday 6 April 2023

Broken light


7.16pm on Maundy Thursday we saw this beauty directly outside of our home. It comes at a time where we were asking for a divine sign.

What a wonderful sign of light that is broken by a multitude of raindrops and only when the circumstances are correct do they project this awesome display.

Someone once shared with us that it's also a covenant... a covenant of broken light. We love this and what a time to see it. Especially today! 

Sunday 3 April 2022

“don’t worry about it”

Apple Pay is great. 

A way of turning your phone into a method of payment. Great when you don’t have your wallet. Or better superseding the wallet altogether.

I’ve got a bit used to using it. I’m not convinced about using my own bank card yet but have a Mastercard that allows me to preload a small amount in times of emergencies.

Today was one of those times. Whilst at the local Tesco in pursuit of a pizza for tea I went to the checkout wallet-less. I was still smug enough to feel comfortable that I had my phone and Apple Pay as my payment option.

I even was able to cash in on my club cards points via an app. Get in!

What I was not prepared for was the payment app blocking me to use it due to requiring an IOS update to happen. With less than 20% battery it was never going to happen. 

Cue the ground opening embarrassing moment of saying I can’t pay to the shop clerk.

I was out of options and just had to yield that I had run out of things that I could pull out of my sleeve to simply make this work. The truth was: I couldn’t pay.

I was ready to start my sentence about coming right back when a customer behind me slowly tapped the payment.

Shocked I said let me take your details and pay you back. I was completely thrown by this. Lost for words and he just said “don’t worry about it.”

Floored by an act of kindness by someone I’ve never met in the checkout of Tesco Metro. 

Thank you.

"Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
- J.M Barrie

Tuesday 29 March 2022

From Jinja to Sevenoaks (part 2) - interview with Ben (19/3/22)

Nearly 9 years ago, Papa told this journey to the church that helped him. I was privileged to be standing next to him as he proudly shared.

A few weeks ago I shared it to my church in St Johns. This time I was alone.

We also were able to hand out some special bracelets that are made by Syrian friends about something that meant a lot to us during a time of crisis, friendship. 

Amazingly these were sponsored by a handful of friends to give away to each attendee with the message that friendships are a powerful thing that we can each bring to displaced people. Certainly our family can testify to this power. 

If ever you are wondering what to do during a time of disaster: choose to be a friend.