Saturday 30 June 2012

Third coming

I'm sitting on a train. We just stopped at Crewe. I wanna be adored has just started on my playlist.

I'm on my way home.

Just been to probably the best gig of my life.

It turned out it wasn't just going to see the Stone Roses as I thought. It was a somewhat different entirely. It was a chance, just a small one, to meet myself, 23 years on. Who I was then and who I am now. And what a journey it was. Gosh, I'm a very different person now but still had that same vision then as I do now. I only realised that when seeing them live that despite the years they were the same. As was I.

When I was first handed the vinyl album The Stone Roses in spring of 1989 as the album to listen to... it was not only a record but also a gesture of friendship... one which also stayed and grew. Both transformed my world.

The new music, crazy square hairstyles and sounds that were frankly counter cultural and allowed me to find a new place.

23 years on I got my dream to see them play live as they too have been through a roller coaster of a time. Schisms, high expectation, hatred, egos, a departure from the core vision and much more. However, they came back and when the hugged at the end and came to the front and took a bow, the fireworks flying and Redemption Song playing I realised that this season is now over. I don't often like myself, what I've done and seldom have praise for myself. But I got to go back in time this weekend for albeit for a brief, short, moment and meet that young person that I was and say the only two words that matter: thank you.

I only wish someone had said that back then.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:United Kingdom

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