Thursday 15 December 2011

New life... Old life

Just heard about someone who has recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. He recently had a baby.

Another told me how he was filming 3 people. The first a person losing her husband. The second a couple that miscarried and lastly a person who has been coping with unemployment. Each were sharing how they cope and continue to cope in such adversity. One was sharing about placing a rose in her garden. His film was about being accompanied in those lonely places and simple things that remind them of greater perspectives than their immediate situation.

This year has certainly had it's share of challenges for many. Going through such times alone reminds me of the desire we each have for deep companionship for someone who simply accepts and understands us.

That couple who miscarried, the chap who told me about his film project, continued to share that they are expecting again.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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