Ever since I had an creative intern who loved them... to the point he would stop everyone either through trying not to create a scene by laughing so hard that you couldn't help interrupt him to say "Whassup?" or he is right there, in your face, with his laptop saying "...you have got to watch this". It wasn't a choice.
I might add he was a visual creative and such clips masterfully formed his style... and he did some great video work for us.
This one I saw recently and I think the guy in the vid (Julian) sums it up well to say you have taught us more in the past 2 minutes than we have ever done. It's on happiness. A term that I am hearing a lot right now. It seems elusive and yet a goal for so many...
The happiest person I think that I ever knew was my grandmother. Not that I knew her much as she was in India when I was growing up... but whenever I saw her she was always smiling. One of those smiles that really made you feel special.