Monday, 30 November 2009

joshua's 2nd birthday

some shots from joshie's b'day :)

"people won't do anything because they are stupid"

at university i recall very clearly somebody saying these words to me. so much so that i never forgot. i find myself meditating on his words this past weekend. we were talking about changing the planet and other global issues.

one of my housemates, at the time, even eloborated, people have all this freedom and hardly anyone will use it. most people don't want to use it and are scared of it, very few will and even those with the ability to- will waiver. he cited some fairly intellectual works to back his argument up too.

whilst i was impressed with the intellect and the argument i refused to buy into this mentality. i refused then and i refuse it now. more than this i didn't beleive it. or perhaps i should re-phrase i didn't believe in it.

however, over the years i have been wondering why the changes that i dreamt of weren't happening. firstly, i found myself blaming the powers that be, the government, our political leaders. then it was corruption, war, terrorism, propaganda and then it was the world of consumers that became the blame for me... now... i find it hard to find a global, or macro reason... the problem or blame is legion. one thing that has changed in my thoughts: i don't believe that i'm here to change the world at large as i may have done back then, but rather i am here to change my world and my participation in it.

"man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains"- Rousseau